
How long does it take for the COVID vaccine to work on your body or protect you?

When COVID is spreading wildly worldwide during this pandemic, vaccination against coronavirus is the only solution to remain safe from it. Different laboratories have been successful in making effective vaccines against coronavirus. The purpose of these vaccines is to develop antibodies in individuals so that they remain protected from viral disease.

Different vaccines have different compositions. Following are different types of vaccines against COVID based on their composition.

  1. RNA vaccines such as Phizer-BioNTech, and Moderna
  2. Adenovirus Vector Vaccines such as Oxford-AstraZeneca, and Sputnik V
  3. Inactivated virus vaccines such as Sinopharm, and CoronaVac
  4. Subunit vaccines such as EpiVacCorona

Working time of different vaccines:

Each vaccine takes two weeks to produce B and T-lymphocytes against coronavirus after you are fully vaccinated with it. The way these vaccines work might be different. Still, the result of all vaccines is the production of MEMORY B and T-lymphocytes in the body. That will function to protect you from the virus in the future. The difference occurs based on the number of doses and the interval between doses of these vaccines.

Single-dose vaccines:

Some vaccines, such as CanSino and Convidecia, are single-dose vaccines. It would be best if you had a single shot of these vaccines, and after two weeks, you will be protected from the virus.

Double-dose vaccines:

Some vaccines, such as Phizer-BioNTech and Moderna, are double-dose vaccines. You are required to have both doses after a specific interval. You will be wholly protected from the virus after two weeks of the 2nd dose.

Is one COVID vaccine does enough?

This question arises because of different variants of coronavirus in different parts of the world, such as alpha variant (UK), Beta variant (South Africa), and delta variant (India). According to a research study,  Phizer-BioNTech, single-handedly, is protecting against these deadly variants. The efficacy of the vaccine is upto 90%. In another research study, it has been proved that there is only a 1% chance that you may suffer from just mild to moderate symptoms of the disease if you are fully vaccinated, and you need no hospitalization for it.

However, the efficacy of different vaccines varies, but they all work. They help you in boosting your immune system. So, it is better to get yourself vaccinated with any of the vaccines available in your country.

COVID vaccine myths:

As with the development of different vaccines, different myths about COVID vaccines spread worldwide, and people started believing them. These myths are as follow:

  • Vaccines are produced in a short time, so they are not effective, and there is no proof that they work or not.
  • When I have been already recovered from COVID, then why do I need vaccination?
  • The vaccine will produce severe side effects.
  • I will be infertile after getting a vaccine.
  • The vaccine will kill me
  • There are microchips in these vaccines to control us in the future.
  • Vaccine kills me earlier than the virus.
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Jane Rambarly

Hello, I am Jane Rambarly, head of Education Author at Student Portal. With BA in Journalism and some skills in IT Tech, I hope I give you the best content you can rely on. I have been in many parts of the world and this distinct love of eaducanion news has led me to interesting individuals.

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