Kwa-Zulu Natal Province

Kwabazothini High School | Registration | Fees | Contacts

Welcome to Kwabazothini High School Secondary School information page. Kwabazothini High School is a Secondary School located in  – Kwa-Zulu Natal. Kwabazothini High School is a valid, registered and prosperous Ordinary School school under the leadership of the Principal  Mabaso, 21 teachers and 496 learners.

Here you will find Kwabazothini High School fees structures, admission, application forms, principal contact details, teaching vacancies at Kwabazothini High School, uniform and more.

Emis Number: 500178821

Kwabazothini High School Details

School Name: Kwabazothini High School
Phase: Secondary School
Specialization: Ordinary School
Sector: Public
Circuit: Molweni
Town/Village:  Mshazi
Region: Ethekwini Mahlabathini

Kwabazothini High School is a/an Rural Public Secondary School located in Mshazi .

Address: Kwangcolosi,Mshazi,Hillcrest,3650
School Fees: Yes
Is it a section 21 school: No
What is Section 21 School?Or Section 21 Schools in  Kwa-Zulu Natal 

Local Municipality: Ethekwini

e-mail The Principal Mabaso directly

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Kwabazothini High School Contact Details

The Principal: Mabaso
Number of techers: 21
Number of students: 496
Postal Address: Private Bag X1010,Hillcrest,3650
Physical Address: Kwangcolosi,Mshazi,Hillcrest,3650

Kwabazothini High School’s Phone Number

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The Principal: Mabaso
Phone Number: 0317660238
EMIS Number: 500178821
School Status: Open
GIS Longitude: 30.852617
GIS Latitude: -29.694717

For teaching postsvacancies, jobs, admission, fees, form and internships at Kwabazothini High School Secondary School, send a direct email on the form above.

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Edwin Mbedzi

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