Memezelo Secondary School Basic Information
Just to make sure we are talking about the right school you are interested in, lets double check the school details below as per DoBE. Adress: 279, Block Aa, Soshanguve, Pretoria Disability: Not a special school, but some conditions can be supported.
EMIS No.: 700240960
School Phase: Secondary School
Enrolment Trend
The enrolment pattern for Memezelo Secondary School will be very crucial for a new parent like you.
In 2021, exactly 871 learners were part of Memezelo Secondary School, in 2022 we see 27 more learners joining the school, and in 2023, 237 more learners, again sadly leaving the school. The above chart would mean that enrolment is growing steadily and happily. The school is welcoming more and more learners each year.School Principal
The principal of Memezelo Secondary School is Prince Maluleke, and that was for 2023. So I haven’t checked if there has been some changes but I will update you soonest. One important indicator to consider when deciding on a new school for your child is the consistency of its principal over a period of at least three years. So, let’s take a look at this school of interest to you. Here is a short timeline to show who was leading the school over the past 3 years. 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
Prince Mzamane Maluleke | Prince Mzamane Maluleke | Prince Maluleke |
Teacher Retention & Ratio
School enrolment is undoubtedly important, but what is even more critical is a school’s ability to retain its teachers for the longest time possible. When teachers remain with a school, they become deeply integrated into the school’s culture and the parent community, leading to a solid learning environment. By the year 2021, Memezelo Secondary School had 28 teachers but in 2022, 2 new teachers were employed at the school, and in 2023, no change in teachers population at the school. An increasing number of teachers over three years suggests a positive trend for the school. It could mean that the school is growing, with more students enrolling, and that it’s an attractive place to work, offering good support and job satisfaction. This growth can lead to smaller class sizes, more individualized attention for students, and a vibrant, supportive school environment.But Memezelo Secondary School is a special case because it has increasing enrollment, and at the same time increasing teaching staff. What does this mean to potential parents?If the number of enrollments is increasing while the number of teachers is also increasing, then the school is thriving and expanding within and beyond Soshanguve. The school’s teacher to learner ration is 1:22 meaning that, One teacher is responsible for 22 learners.
Memezelo Secondary School Pass Rate
The 2023 Memezelo Secondary School pass rate is increased to 93,1% as compared to 82,7% in 2022. This resulted in Memezelo Secondary School Ranking No.: 566 in 2023 within the province (below Vulanindlela Secondary that is currently ranking No.: 565, then followed by Hosea Kekana Sec School at No.: 566 and Al-Aqsa School ranking No.: 568.Contact Information
The best time to visit the school is after 9:00 AM, as all learners will be settled in their classes, and the administration will be available to assist you with forms and fees. However, for a school tour, it is advisable to visit after 1:00 PM, when the school day is nearly over, and a team member will be available to guide you.- Address: 279, Block Aa, Soshanguve, Pretoria
- Suburb: Soshanguve
- Phone: (some contacts are personal mobile numbers, so please consult with the office)