Eastern Cape Province

Hoer Skool Cilli_ | Registration | Fees | Contacts

Welcome to Hoer Skool Cilli_ Secondary information page. Hoer Skool Cilli_ is a Secondary located in Port Elizabeth – Eastern Cape. Hoer Skool Cilli_ is a valid, registered and prosperous Ordinary School school under the leadership of the Principal  Mr. J.H Wielligh, 35 teachers and 940 learners.

Here you will find Hoer Skool Cilli_ fees structures, admission, application forms, principal contact details, teaching vacancies at Hoer Skool Cilli_, uniform and more.

Emis Number: 200100313

Hoer Skool Cilli_ Details

School Name: Hoer Skool Cilli_
Phase: Secondary
Specialization: Ordinary School
Sector: Public
Circuit: Nm Algoa-2
Town/Village:  Holland Park Port Elizabeth
Region: Cluster B 

Hoer Skool Cilli_ is a/an Urban Public Secondary located in Holland Park Port Elizabeth.

Address: Uitenhage Rd, Sydenham, Port Elizabeth, 6001
School Fees: .
Is it a section 21 school: Abcd
What is Section 21 School?Or Section 21 Schools in Port Elizabeth Eastern Cape 

Municipality:Nelson Mandela Bay Metro
Local Municipality: Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality

e-mail The Principal Mr. J.H Wielligh directly

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Hoer Skool Cilli_ Contact Details

The Principal: Mr. J.H Wielligh
Number of techers: 35
Number of students: 940
Postal Address: P.O. Box 2307, North End, Port Elizabeth, 6056,
Physical Address: Uitenhage Rd, Sydenham, Port Elizabeth, 6001

Hoer Skool Cilli_’s Phone Number

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The Principal: Mr. J.H Wielligh
Phone Number: 414514837
EMIS Number: 200100313
School Status: 
GIS Longitude: 25.59609
GIS Latitude: -33.92559

For teaching postsvacancies, jobs, admission, fees, form and internships at Hoer Skool Cilli_ Secondary, send a direct email on the form above.

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Edwin Mbedzi

Hello, I am Edwin Mbedzi, head of news at Student Portal. I am tech and love writing, I hope I give you the best content you can rely on. I am a local guy who loves telling stories and I hope you leave a comment.

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