
SASSA Change number OTP Code and Phone Number

SASSA uses a one-time password (OTP) code to verify your identity when you log in to your account or make changes to your details. If you lose your phone or change your number, you will need to get a new OTP code generated from sassa change number system.

There are two ways to get a new OTP code:

Whatsapp SASSA Change number

Using WhatsApp:

  1. Save the SASSA WhatsApp number, 082 046 8553, to your phone.

  2. Send a message saying “Hi”.

  3. SASSA will reply with a list of options.

  4. Choose option 4, “Get OTP Code”.

  5. You will be asked to provide your reference number.

  6. Once you have provided your reference number, you will receive your OTP code.

SASSA Change number via website

  • Using the SASSA website:
    1. Go to the SASSA website,
    2. Enter your ID number and the phone number that you used to register for SASSA.
    3. Click on the “Submit” button.
    4. SASSA will send you an SMS with your new OTP code.

Once you have your new OTP code, you can use it to log in to your SASSA account or make changes to your details.

Here are some additional tips for changing your SASSA OTP code and phone number:

  • Make sure that you have your ID number and reference number handy when you are changing your OTP code.
  • If you are changing your phone number, make sure that you have access to your old phone so that you can receive the SMS with your new OTP code.
  • If you are having trouble changing your OTP code or phone number, you can contact SASSA customer service for help.

If you are reapplying, then you might need to enter OTP code code. Now, if your phone number is incorrect or you lost it, you won’t get the OTP. So let us see how we can change the phone number in our SRD r350 application.

If you are unable to verify OTP or change your phone number, try following guide or it is suggested to visit the nearest SASSA office and ask them to update the number manually from their side. You can also contact sassa through their toll free number.

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