Kwa-Zulu Natal Province

Gaju Secondary School | Registration | Fees | Contacts

Welcome to Gaju Secondary School Secondary School information page. Gaju Secondary School is a Secondary School located in  – Kwa-Zulu Natal. Gaju Secondary School is a valid, registered and prosperous Ordinary School school under the leadership of the Principal  Duma, 6 teachers and 177 learners.

Here you will find Gaju Secondary School fees structures, admission, application forms, principal contact details, teaching vacancies at Gaju Secondary School, uniform and more.

Emis Number: 500146742

Gaju Secondary School Details

School Name: Gaju Secondary School
Phase: Secondary School
Specialization: Ordinary School
Sector: Public
Circuit: Mshwathi
Town/Village:  Bambanana
Region: Umgungundlovu Kwazibusele

Gaju Secondary School is a/an Rural Public Secondary School located in Bambanana .

Address: Greater Efaye,Bambanana,Dulton,3236
School Fees: Yes
Is it a section 21 school: No
What is Section 21 School?Or Section 21 Schools in  Kwa-Zulu Natal 

Local Municipality: Umshwathi

e-mail The Principal Duma directly

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Gaju Secondary School Contact Details

The Principal: Duma
Number of techers: 6
Number of students: 177
Postal Address: P.O.Box 469,Dalton,3236
Physical Address: Greater Efaye,Bambanana,Dulton,3236

Gaju Secondary School’s Phone Number

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The Principal: Duma
Phone Number: 0722437205
EMIS Number: 500146742
School Status: Open
GIS Longitude: 30.84676
GIS Latitude: -29.26952

For teaching postsvacancies, jobs, admission, fees, form and internships at Gaju Secondary School Secondary School, send a direct email on the form above.

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Edwin Mbedzi

Hello, I am Edwin Mbedzi, head of news at Student Portal. I am tech and love writing, I hope I give you the best content you can rely on. I am a local guy who loves telling stories and I hope you leave a comment.

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  1. Reference no: 14127353
    Gaju Secondary School
    PO Box 469

    Form to broaden accessibility to Mbalo Brief
    Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) would like to increase accessibility to one of its monthly statistical Mbalo brief. Two copies of this publication are sent to all high schools on a monthly basis except January and December. We would therefore like to encourage schools to try and access the publication online as the publication is uploaded on the website on the 15th of each month. With this in mind, it means learners and teachers alike will be able to access the publication timeously and are encouraged to make as many copies as they can as long as they respect the copyright law, which prohibits the reproduction of the publication for commercial use. You are welcome to send us as many names and email addresses as you wish.
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